basil seeds |13 health benefits & More..

Basil seeds

Basil seeds, also known as Sabja seeds or Tukmaria , are the seeds of the basil plant( Ocimum basilicum ). While they share a name with the more commonly known basil leaves, these seeds come from a different part of the plant.
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Basil seeds health benefits

People suppose that Basil seeds offer various health benefits, although limited scientific research supports some of these claims. here are some health benefits

1.Rich in Nutrients

seeds contain essential nutrients, including fiber, vitamins (such as vitamin K), and minerals (such as iron, calcium, and magnesium). These nutrients play vital roles in supporting overall health and well-being.

2.May help in Digestive Health

The high fiber content in  seeds may contribute to improved digestive health and may help prevent constipation by promoting regular bowel movements.

3.May help in Weight Management

Some people believe that  seeds may aid in weight management due to their ability to expand in the stomach when soaked in water. Consuming this may produce a sense of satiety, “Changes in this behavior could result in a reduction in the overall number of calories

4.May help in controlling blood sugar levels

There is some evidence to suggest that seeds may help in controlling blood sugar levels and certain studies have explored the potential antidiabetic properties of  seeds. However, further research is necessary to establish conclusive evidence.


seeds can absorb water and become gelatinous, making them a popular addition to drinks for hydration. This property may contribute to maintaining fluid balance in the body.

6.Antioxidant Properties

seeds contain antioxidants that may help neutralize free radicals in the body this Antioxidants play a role in protecting cells from oxidative stress and reducing inflammation.

7.Nutrient Absorption

When you soak basil seeds in water, they form a gel-like outer layer that may help slow down the absorption of nutrients, potentially providing a gradual release of energy and promoting sustained satiety.

8.May help in Respiratory Health

 seeds have properties that may help in managing respiratory conditions. Some people use  seeds in herbal teas or concoctions for respiratory health benefits.

9.May have Anti-Inflammatory Properties

seeds contain compounds that may have anti-inflammatory effects. These properties could potentially contribute to reducing inflammation in the body, although more research is required to establish the extent of this benefit.

10.Skin Health

The antioxidants found in basil seeds may contribute to skin health by helping to combat oxidative stress. Some beauty and skincare products may include basil seed extract for its potential benefits in promoting skin health.

11.May help in Joint Health

Basil seeds contain certain compounds that may have anti-inflammatory effects, which could be beneficial for individuals with joint pain or inflammation. However, more research is needed to confirm these effects.

12.May help in Stress Reduction

Some traditional practices suggest that seeds may have a calming effect on the nerves so  potentially contributing to stress reduction. However, scientific evidence supporting this claim is limited.

13.May have anti-microbial Properties

People believe that Basil seeds show antimicrobial properties that may help fight against specific types of bacteria and fungi. They have suggested this potential benefit based on in vitro studies, but more research is needed to confirm these claims.
NOTE It’s important to note that while seeds are generally considered safe for consumption, individual reactions may vary. Additionally, more research is needed to validate some of the health claims associated with  seeds. As with any dietary changes or supplements, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or concerns.

How to use basil seed

Here are some popular ways to use basil seeds


  • Basil Seed Drink- Soak  seeds in water for about 10-15 minutes until they form a gel-like coating and Mix them with your favorite fruit juice, lemonade, or flavored water also You can add sweeteners like honey or sugar if desired.
  • Smoothies: Add soaked  seeds to your favorite smoothie for an extra nutritional boost and a unique texture.
  • Iced Tea or Herbal Tea: Mix  seeds into iced tea or herbal tea for added texture and a subtle basil flavor.


  • Falooda – seeds are a key ingredient in the popular South Asian dessert, falooda. Combine soaked basil seeds with vermicelli, milk, ice cream, and rose syrup for a delicious and refreshing treat.
  • Puddings and Parfaits: Incorporate basil seeds into your pudding or parfait recipes for an interesting texture.
  • Salads:
    Sprinkle on Salads add a spoonful of soaked basil seeds to your salads for a nutritional boost.

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Yogurt or Cereal:

  • Mix with Yogurt or Cereal: Stir  seeds into yogurt or sprinkle them over your morning cereal for added crunch

Chia Seed Pudding Alternative

  •  Pudding- Make a pudding by combining soaked basil seeds with milk ,sweeteners, and flavorings then  Refrigerate until it thickens, similar to chia seed pudding.

Curries and Soups

  • Certain soups and curries use basil seeds as a thickening agent.

When using basil seeds, keep in mind that they can absorb a significant amount of liquid and swell up, so it’s essential not to use too many at once. Start with small quantities and adjust according to your preferences. Additionally, be sure to soak them in water before consuming them to unlock their gel-like texture and to make them easier to digest.

Side effect of basil seeds

seeds are considered safe for consumption when used in moderate amounts. However, like any food or supplement,

    • there may be some potential side effects or considerations to keep in mind and seeds absorb water and swell up, forming a gel-like coating. If not soaked properly before consumption or if consumed in large quantities without sufficient liquid, they may swell and pose a choking hazard. It’s essential to soak them in water for a few hours before using them.
    • some individuals may be allergic to basil seeds. If you are allergic to seeds, it’s advisable to avoid seeds or consult with a healthcare professional before consuming them.
    • Pregnant or breastfeeding women should exercise caution and consult with a healthcare professional before adding basil seeds to their diet to ensure safety for both the mother and the baby

 Nutrition value per 100 gm

Basil seeds

Nutrition value ( 100 gm)




7-21 gm

Linoleic acid

23-26 gm

Linolenic acid

49-52 gm


154 mg


31.55 gm


1.58 gm


462 mg


3.17 mg


62 gm

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